14 research outputs found

    Towards Building Wind Tunnels for Data Center Design

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    Data center design is a tedious and expensive process. Recently, this process has become even more challenging as users of cloud services expect to have guaranteed levels of availability, durability and performance. A new challenge for the service providers is to find the most cost-effective data center design and configuration that will accommodate the users ’ expectations, on ever-changing workloads, and constantly evolving hardware and software components. In this paper, we argue that data center design should become a systematic process. First, it should be done using an integrated approach that takes into account both the hardware and the software interdependencies, and their impact on users ’ expectations. Second, it should be performed in a “wind tunnel”, which uses large-scale simulation to systematically explore the impact of a data center configuration on both the users ’ and the service providers ’ requirements. We believe that this is the first step towards systematic data center design – an exciting area for future research. 1

    Rapidash: Efficient Constraint Discovery via Rapid Verification

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    Denial Constraint (DC) is a well-established formalism that captures a wide range of integrity constraints commonly encountered, including candidate keys, functional dependencies, and ordering constraints, among others. Given their significance, there has been considerable research interest in achieving fast verification and discovery of exact DCs within the database community. Despite the significant advancements in the field, prior work exhibits notable limitations when confronted with large-scale datasets. The current state-of-the-art exact DC verification algorithm demonstrates a quadratic (worst-case) time complexity relative to the dataset's number of rows. In the context of DC discovery, existing methodologies rely on a two-step algorithm that commences with an expensive data structure-building phase, often requiring hours to complete even for datasets containing only a few million rows. Consequently, users are left without any insights into the DCs that hold on their dataset until this lengthy building phase concludes. In this paper, we introduce Rapidash, a comprehensive framework for DC verification and discovery. Our work makes a dual contribution. First, we establish a connection between orthogonal range search and DC verification. We introduce a novel exact DC verification algorithm that demonstrates near-linear time complexity, representing a theoretical improvement over prior work. Second, we propose an anytime DC discovery algorithm that leverages our novel verification algorithm to gradually provide DCs to users, eliminating the need for the time-intensive building phase observed in prior work. To validate the effectiveness of our algorithms, we conduct extensive evaluations on four large-scale production datasets. Our results reveal that our DC verification algorithm achieves up to 40 times faster performance compared to state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: comments and suggestions are welcome

    LST-Bench: Benchmarking Log-Structured Tables in the Cloud

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    Log-Structured Tables (LSTs), also commonly referred to as table formats, have recently emerged to bring consistency and isolation to object stores. With the separation of compute and storage, object stores have become the go-to for highly scalable and durable storage. However, this comes with its own set of challenges, such as the lack of recovery and concurrency management that traditional database management systems provide. This is where LSTs such as Delta Lake, Apache Iceberg, and Apache Hudi come into play, providing an automatic metadata layer that manages tables defined over object stores, effectively addressing these challenges. A paradigm shift in the design of these systems necessitates the updating of evaluation methodologies. In this paper, we examine the characteristics of LSTs and propose extensions to existing benchmarks, including workload patterns and metrics, to accurately capture their performance. We introduce our framework, LST-Bench, which enables users to execute benchmarks tailored for the evaluation of LSTs. Our evaluation demonstrates how these benchmarks can be utilized to evaluate the performance, efficiency, and stability of LSTs. The code for LST-Bench is open sourced and is available at https://github.com/microsoft/lst-bench/

    No data left behind: real-time insights from a complex data ecosystem

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    The typical enterprise data architecture consists of several actively updated data sources (e.g., NoSQL systems, data warehouses), and a central data lake such as HDFS, in which all the data is periodically loaded through ETL processes. To simplify query processing, state-of-the-art data analysis approaches solely operate on top of the local, historical data in the data lake, and ignore the fresh tail end of data that resides in the original remote sources. However, as many business operations depend on real-time analytics, this approach is no longer viable. The alternative is hand-crafting the analysis task to explicitly consider the characteristics of the various data sources and identify optimization opportunities, rendering the overall analysis non-declarative and convoluted. Based on our experiences operating in data lake environments, we design System-PV, a real-time analytics system that masks the complexity of dealing with multiple data sources while offering minimal response times. System-PV extends Spark with a sophisticated data virtualization module that supports multiple applications - from SQL queries to machine learning. The module features a location-aware compiler that considers source complexity, and a two-phase optimizer that produces and refines the query plans, not only for SQL queries but for all other types of analysis as well. The experiments show that System-PV is often faster than Spark by more than an order of magnitude. In addition, the experiments show that the approach of accessing both the historical and the remote fresh data is viable, as it performs comparably to solely operating on top of the local, historical data

    Can the elephants handle the NoSQL onslaught?

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    In this new era of “big data”, traditional DBMSs are under attack from two sides. At one end of the spectrum, the use of document store NoSQL systems (e.g. MongoDB) threatens to move modern Web 2.0 applications away from traditional RDBMSs. At the other end of the spectrum, big data DSS analytics that used to be the domain of parallel RDBMSs is now under attack by another class of NoSQL data analytics systems, such as Hive on Hadoop. So, are the traditional RDBMSs, aka “big elephants”, doomed as they are challenged from both ends of this “big data ” spectrum? In this paper, we compare one representative NoSQL system from each end of this spectrum with SQL Server, and analyze the performance and scalability aspects of each of these approaches (NoSQL vs. SQL) on two workloads (decision support analysis and interactive data-serving) that represent the two ends of the application spectrum. We present insights from this evaluation and speculate on potential trends for the future. 1